“My son has been coming to Laura for a number of months, and the difference it has made, the work that has been done is beyond words. His school cannot express enough the changes that he’s made and the strides ahead since beginning Cranial Therapy.“

Four Months, Four Approaches…..

This program is for kids that struggle with any of the following:


  • Aspergers

  • Dyslexia

  • High Functioning Autism

  • Behavioural and/or social issues

  • Sensory Integration/Sensory sensitivity

  • Lack of focus

  • Tantrums/emotional outbursts/sensory meltdowns

Up to 35% of all children in the US are diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) each year. 1 in 40 children will be labeled with autism spectrum disorder at some point. 15 million people in the US have some form of learning disability.

So what is this all about? My feeling is that the children arriving on the planet today are profoundly sensitive and bring with them highly developed gifts that the world is sorely in need of. However, what they encounter in today’s typical modern life, with its fast paced, stress-filled day, toxic environment and electronic stimulation in the form of tv, cell phones and the internet, is deeply abrasive to them. It literally scrambles their nervous system and, in some cases, even causes them to retreat into an inner world. I believe that all behaviour in children is a form of communication and once we address that deeper communication, the behaviour will often resolve.

I have put together a comprehensive four month program to strengthen all areas of development and address some of these challenges, a program providing your child’s brain and whole being with the best possible environment in which to thrive. The program consists of four parts:

  • CranioSacral Therapy

  • HANDLE® (Holistic Approach to Neurodevelopment & Learning Efficiency)

  • Clinical Audio Programs

  • Nutrition

CranioSacral Therapy

“If a person’s body cannot function on auto-pilot, with a relaxed autonomic nervous system, but instead requires mental effort to keep it in balance, there will be insufficient ‘brain power’ - focus, concentration, attention - available for intellectual growth and intellectual tasks.” Vernon H Mark, MD Brain Power


When we are born, the bones of the skull overlap at their sutures in order for babies head to travel down the birth canal. After the birth, when all goes well, those sutures revert back to their positions to allow babies brain the optimal space needed to develop. But sometimes, this process is interrupted by birth complications, c-sections or accidents after birth, resulting in pressure on the growing brain. CranioSacral Therapy can help by freeing those restrictions, improving fluid flow and allowing waste products to be removed and fresh nutrients to be restored to the growing brain. In addition, it allows children to untangle their jangled systems and find a more relaxed and integrated way of coping with the world. Sessions for children are only 30 minutes and are often done while the child plays with provided toys or books. For more information, please click here.

The Science Behind CST for ADD, ADHD, Autism and Dyslexia

Dr.  John Upledger conducted research into CST while he was professor of biomechanics at Michigan State University. He led a team of anatomists, physiologists, biophysicists and bio-engineers who performed and published the clinical research that formed the basis for CST. They specifically focused on the health concerns mentioned above and demonstrated that CST is dramatically effective in these areas.

Click here for an article on cst and learning disorders.

Click here to watch a video of John Matthew Upledger talking about his father's work with Autism

Michael Morgan, CranioSacral therapist, explains how this treatment can be helpful in child development and elderly health.



Holistic Approach to Neurodevelopment and learning efficiency


“Mounting evidence shows that movement is crucial to every brain function, including memory, emotion, language and learning. Our ‘higher’ brain functions have evolved from movement and still depend on it”

Dr John Ratey, A User’s Guide to the Brain

Science now knows that every time we move we are stimulating the sensory system which in turn stimulates and develops the brain. But today’s children move less and less and spend more time in front of screens every year, therefore depriving their brains of crucial developmental processes.

HANDLE is a unique approach developed by Judith Bluestone after more than 35 years of work identifying and addressing neurodevelopment differences. Judith incorporated research and techniques from neuroscience, neuropsychology, neuro-rehabilitation, human development, visual processing, sensory-motor integration, education, reflexology, nutrition and more. The approach is truly developmental in nature, addressing problems at their foundations rather than merely providing short-term solutions or compensatory techniques. Its goal is to help each client achieve functional outcomes.

During the initial screening the clients' responses are observed during a sequence of tasks. This gathers information on how the brain and body are functioning together. Careful analysis of processing modalities and coping mechanisms allow seemingly perplexing behaviors to make sense and a profile of the individuals' neurological processing to emerge

After the Screening, the client receives a thorough discussion of the findings, and skilled guidance in implementation of an individualized program of rehabilitative activities. Programs are carried out at home and generally require less than 30 minutes each day. Additional follow ups will be scheduled to support continued growth and success. For more information go to www.handle.org

Clinical Audio Programs


I use two clinically researched and proven audio programs. The first is the Safe and Sound Protocol. This program is perfect for children who have been through any significant stresses or traumas as well as for those on the spectrum or with sensory sensitivities. To read more about it, click here

The second is The Focus System The Focus System improves brain function and body integration through multisensory input. It is a clinical-level intervention designed for home use. Focus System programs consist of therapeutically-treated music combined with fun movement activities, and, when ready, cognitive challenges to further activate brain networks. Focus System programs provide simultaneous multisensory input to help develop new and reinforce existing pathways governing organization of the body and brain function. Therapeutic music is delivered via air and bone conduction headphones, providing auditory input to the brain and sensory input to the body. Movement activities, customizable for all levels, provide additional sensory and motor input for body organization. Finally, cognitive activities, added later, challenge the brain to process multiple pieces of simultaneous information, which is reflective of demands required of the brain in our day-to-day world.

This staged approach develops a foundation that may never have been fully developed or was interrupted due to an event. With appropriate stimulation, the brain’s ability to successfully process and retain information leads to better academic outcomes. In addition, there is an increased ability to control impulses, self-regulate behavior and engage appropriately with others.

Suggested frequency is three – six times per week at home.



What we eat is a fundamental cornerstone of our health. But what many people don’t realize is that what we eat also affects our emotions and how we feel. This is particularly true for young children who have not yet learned to modulate behaviour. In addition, many children have food sensitivities, that unlike allergies, don’t create immediate symptoms, but rather set up a low grade, systemic irritation in their systems that can cause a variety of symptoms from tantrums to learning difficulties. Using a food sensitivity test, or an elimination diet, we can hone in on the foods that are causing a problem and together find creative ways to substitute. (Because we all know it’s hard enough to get a child to eat well!) Additionally, we discuss certain supplements that can be helpful in providing your child’s body and brain with optimal nutrition.

First Steps

The first step is an in-depth consultation with you about the challenges that you are experiencing with your child. I want to gain a comprehensive picture of the outcomes you are looking for, as well as all relevant information about their overall health, school life and home routine. Each program is unique to the child and tailored to work within the family’s budget and time constraints. But in general we will follow the program below.

Together we will discuss nutritional possibilities and decide whether to do an elimination diet or food sensitivity testing. All the information you need to do either will be provided. A detailed assessment is conducted to check for structural restrictions that might impact the brain and nervous system. Initially, weekly CranioSacral Therapy appointments are scheduled to address what is found. Next we will decide which audio program is appropriate for your child and your family’s routine. Finally we will start your child on a Handle® program and establish a routine that works for your family. As I start to meet with your child, my main focus is on building rapport as I feel that it is through a trusting connection that the most benefit can be gained.

The program focuses on the whole child, meeting them where they currently are and holding open a door for them to step into all of who they are meant to be. The strength of the program rests in the personalized support tailored to meet your child’s unique needs. I spend lots of time with you and your family finding out what is working and what isn’t and offering support in addressing the needs as they arise. Having worked with children for many years, I have a range of tools that we might explore such as essential oils, parenting support and education. I look forward to working with your family!

Please complete the form below to schedule a complimentary phone consultation.